Friday, 18 March 2011

Dear World - Careers

Dear World,
I'm nineteen, and as such I have thought about the ideal job for me.
When I was young, I thought about becoming an architect. I'll be honest, I was roughly six or so years old and I had no real idea what an architect does, I think it was just the fact that I liked the word architect.
The more I grew, the thoughts of an ideal job for me changed. At one point, I even considered ditching a normal job and head into a cricketing career, though that did not last long, and I blame some of the people in the cricket club that I attended for that fact.
As I entered the GSCE years of my life, I finally discovered the career for me - graphic design. No idea why it occurred, maybe it was the endless image edits that I did during the time.
Now, I'm on the road to have a job in the graphic design industry. I'm studying Creative Technologies inThe ATRiuM (the Cardiff faculty of the University of Glamorgan), which looks at the different aspects of multimedia such as video, radio, the internet and graphics.
I'm also rather involved with Wicid, which is helping me build my confidence up in writing and other stuff in a rather splendid manner. [And a very good job of it you're doing too, Crazy D! - national ed]
I watched a television show on BBC Three the other night. It was called Junior Doctors: Your Life In Their Hands, and it shows a group of student doctors and their journey to becoming a doctor in their chosen subjects, be that surgery or medicine.
It made me think, like many other things in life, what help will my job give the development of the human race?
Look at the different genres of careers that are out there. Doctors help to heal the wounded, while firefighters put their lives on the line to save people and to extinguish fires. The police make sure that everyone's in line with the law. 
Even musicians do good for humanity. Well, sometimes anyways. Some musicians bring peace and joy to the majority of people, while other, less talented musicians inspire other people to join the music career path to show them how it's done.
And there's me, sitting in my room, with Photoshop or Illustrator open on my computer, and I think to myself "what a wonderful world". Well, not really, I think "what am I doing?"
I know, I may be totally wrong with this, but the most I've seen that a web designer or someone has done is to inspire others to design websites or study the joys of typography. And yes, I speak from experience. All I will say on this matter is "Myriad Pro for the win". That and "say no to drugs and Comic Sans."
Though, this is not the only thing that has crossed my mind.
Now, if you have met me in person, it is rather plain to see that I'm not one of these people who takes pride in their appearance. I don't see the point, if I'm completely honest with you. Yes, you have to be presentable, but I wouldn't be far from the truth if I said that some people took it to the extreme.
In one of the ideal jobs of mine, being a graphic or web designer, my job would be making lovely-looking websites or graphics. I might even have jobs that involved airbrushing models. I find it odd that my number one job is a total contradiction to myself. The job is highly driven by the appearance of things, while I am not. Don't you think that this is a match made in Heaven 2.0?
Before I leave you, World, I must admit that graphic design isn't really my number one career of choice. No, it's the music industry, though it's always handy to have a back up plan, eh?
Ever since I learned to play an instrument - which was over three years ago now, seems like only two and a half… - I've wanted to be in a band. I have performed with a band, though playing in the school Eisteddfod isn't really the big time, but it's a start nonetheless.
In recent years, I've been looking for someone to help me with the songs that I've written. Yes, to add more drivel to the million terabytes of pointless content of the interweb, I've created and uploaded a few songs of mine. Though, they lack words.
Ever since the first song that I wrote (which was adequately named "Argh"), I've been looking for a singer/songwriter to help me write lyrics to my songs. Would you care to help me, dear world?
I thank ye, world.

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